
Winner List of Vtuber Character Design Contest and NUG Key Visual Design and NUCAG Key Vision Design Contest- Joint Efforts of CJCU and Kadokawa Taiwan for ACG Talent Cultivation


The 2022 “Creativity X Originality of Vtuber Character Design Contest” with key visual design contest of National University and College Athletic Games (NUCAG) were held under the theme of low carbon inspired by features of Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU) on net zero, ecological sustainability, and sportsmanship and the award ceremony was held at CJCU Hall on December 12. CJCU President, Dr. Lee Yung-Lung, said this year marks the fourth anniversary of Vtuber Character Design Contest” where amazing designs have always been showcased. This year, competitions in Logo and Slogan were included to attract participation of high schools around the island and to inspire more ACG talents. Special thanks would go to Huion Animation Technology Co., Ltd. for its provision of graphics tablets to inspire continuous creation of student participants.

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